We are thrilled you are considering The Sanctuary as your church home. It is our desire for you to join together with other believers who honor and glorify Jesus Christ.  Want to see if The Sanctuary is a good fit for you and your family?

Membership means that you belong. You are known, loved, and valued by the community and yet also contribute to making visitors, new members and longtime members feel valued and loved. 

Membership means that you are a disciple. As a member, you will be challenged to continually grow closer to Christ. Members seek to be transformed by Christ in every aspect of their life, including faith, family, finances, fun, friends, work, etc.

Membership means that you are on a mission. God is on a mission, so you are a partner with God on His mission to our community and our world. As a member, you are actively involved in God’s work.

Membership means you are an integral part to the whole body. Every member has an important role in the ministry and mission of the church that matches his or her gifts and passions.

Membership means you engage in worship. As a member, you seek a deeper understanding and experience at The Sanctuary and pursue continual growth spiritually. Through worship, community, and prayer, we find wholeness and healing in every area of our lives.

Next Newcomers Luncheon:

Saturday, June 29th